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Fantastic photos of Music, Migration and Mobility exhibition launch


All photographs by Art Lewy

On January 16 we celebrated the opening of our exhibition 'Music, Migration and Mobility: The story of émigré musicians from Nazi Europe in Britain', which attracted thousands of visitors to the RCM museum until it closed at the end of May. The photographer Art Lewy documented the launch event, which was a highlight for our project. Guests included representatives of our project partners such as Glyndebourne and Senate House Library, family members of émigré musicians such as John Reizenstein and Andrea Rauter, as well as first generation emigres Anita Lasker Wallfisch and Erika Fox. We are pleased be able to share some of the photos here.

Norbert Meyn, Principal Investigator, Music Migration & Mobility, Royal College of Music (Photgrapher: Art Lewy)

A thank you to Richard Martin: Museum Digitisation & Documentation Officer, Royal College of Music, for his invaluable help in preparing the exhibition (Photgrapher: Art Lewy)

Hannah Gillingham, flute, performing the Cappriccio for Solo Flute by Roberto Gerhard

Anita Lasker-Wallfisch (Photgrapher: Art Lewy)

Anita Lasker-Wallfisch's cello case with stickers from concert tours with the English Chamber Orchestra (Photgrapher: Art Lewy)

Emily and Ben Hoffnung, daughter and son of artist and musician Gerard Hoffnung, looking at the 'Finchleystrasse' map, provided by the Association of Jewish Refugees (Photgrapher: Art Lewy)

Caricatures by Gerhard Hoffnung in the 'Humour' display case (Photgrapher: Art Lewy)

Arts impresario and RCM supporter Lilian Hochhauser (Photgrapher: Art Lewy)

Cellist and RCM professor Raphael Wallfisch in conversation with Martin Kahn, who lent us the visitor book of his grandfather's house concert series where many emigre musicians played during and after WW2 (Photgrapher: Art Lewy)

Anna Horovitz, wife of the late composer and RCM professor Joseph Horovitz, in conversation with John Reizenstein, son of the composer and RCM alumnus Franz Reizenstein. (Photgrapher: Art Lewy)

pianist Michael Freyhan (left) in conversation with actor Paul Humpoletz (right) and writer Malcolm Miller (Photgrapher: Art Lewy)

Julia Seiber-Boyd (with hat), daughter of the composer Mátyás Seiber (Photgrapher: Art Lewy)

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this memorable event!



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