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Music Behind Barbed Wire - Online event about music in internment on the Isle of Man

Thursday October 14, 8pm

Our project's research associate Michael Holden (Royal Holloway University of London) will open this event by giving an overview and some examples of the rich musical life of the British internment camps. This will be followed by a conversation between Norbert Meyn (Royal College of Music) with Eva Fox-Gál, daughter of composer Hans Gál, who as an internee kept a diary called Music behind Barbed Wire and created the music for the brilliant satirical cabaret, What a Life!, performed on the Isle of Man in 1940. Norbert will then introduce and share two performance videos of songs from What a Life! In conclusion, Michael Holden will discuss the story-mapping strategies being developed by the Music, Migration and Mobility project and the use of cartoons to reach as wide a public as possible.

This event is hosted by Insiders/Outsiders and will be held in partnership with Jewish Renaissance magazine. Please click here to book tickets.

Image: Hans Gál, by Giada Peterle (detail)



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