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Music, Migration and Mobility: An Interdisciplinary International Conference 2022 Announced


Updated: Feb 14, 2022

The AHRC - funded project, Music, Migration and Mobility, is delighted to host an online Interdisciplinary International Conference through their home The Royal College of Music, London, United Kingdom.

This conference aims to investigate music as a mobile phenomenon, and the history of music as animated by mobility rather than fixity. It strives to reflect critically on methodological approaches and theoretical framings of music, especially the music of migrants.

We are now inviting proposals from scholars in any arts, humanities, and social science disciplines - as well as music practitioners - for papers that explore music and musical history through the lens of mobility, as opposed to static, rigid categories of national or geographical belonging. For more information, click here.

Topics for paper proposals might include (but, again, should not be limited to):

•​ Music and migration, reconsidered through the lens of mobility

•​ Mobilities of musicians, (musical) ideas, objects, works, aesthetic and performative concepts

•​ Theoretical reflections on exile from the mobility perspective

•​ Reflections on the (explicit and implicit) histories of musical mobility

•​ Representations of mobility in music and its performance

• ​Mobile musical methodologies between theory and (creative) practice

Please submit an abstract (up to 250 words) and a short biography (up to 150 words) to our Research Coordinator Helen Kuby email by Feb 15, 2022.



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