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Please book your tickets for our Dartington event in RCM Museum

Tickets for this special event in the RCM Museum can now be booked through the RCM website. Please click here to book (pay as much as you like).

Tuesday 9 May 2023 at 3pm Royal College of Music Museum

The early years of the Dartington Summer School

Researchers working on the RCM’s Music, Migration & Mobility project will present some of their work on the early history of an influential post-war musical institution, which continues to this day and in which migration and mobility played a vital role: the Dartington Summer School. Alison Garnham, Sarah Whitfield and Sam Weinstein will also discuss the different methods they are using to capture and analyse data from the past.

Image: A sketch of Dartington by the artist Milein Cosman, with kind permission from Cosman Keller Art and Music Trust



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